viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

Comments on Python

       Sometimes we need to pass our code so that someone else can see it and make some sort of improvements. Sometime we just need someone else to tell us what we are doing wrong.

       Unfortunately, not all programmers program the same. Each one of the does this artwork how they believe is the best way to do it; this makes it almost impossible for someone else to understand what we are doing in each line of code.

      For this, we use comments. You can add comments on a python file just by adding “#” before what you try clarify. This way, your comment do not affect the functioning of the program but it makes it clear to understand.

      For example, this is the code of a program without comment. As you can see, it is hard to understand what is going on.

      But once we add the comments it’s easy to understand what´s happening on every line.

      Just remember, these comments DO NOT affect the code, so don´t be afraid to use them more often.

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